Saturday, April 11, 2015

Module 3

News Article

The Ethical Connection

The news article above reads Italy Rescues Almost 1,000 Migrants but why would someone do such a thing. Do they feel obligated to help other human beings that may be in distress? Are they required to assist others? These are questions that we all may be faced with from one time to another. According to Reuters (2015), "Italian and merchant ships rescued around 1,000 migrants from three overcrowded skiffs near the coast of Libya and found one dead body, Italy's coast guard said." Those that heard the distress call felt that it was their duty to answer the call and assist those who were in need. Rosenstand (2013) states, “Hume believed that compassion is the one natural human feeling that holds us together in a society” (p. 205). Having compassion for others is a trait that most of us have. Just because someone may need help, doesn’t mean you have to get involved. It is the feeling of it being our moral responsibility to help others that encourages us to get involved. Rosenstand (2013) explains, “Hume believes that humans are equipped not only with self-love but also with love for others” (p. 205). Hume suggests that it is natural to have love for others.

Reuters. (2015, April 11). Italy Rescues Almost 1,000 Migrants Amid Spike In Deaths At Sea. The Huffington Post. Retrieved from
Rosenstand, N. (2013). The moral of the story: An introduction to ethics (7th ed.). New 
          York, NY: McGraw-Hill.


  1. I would agree with Rosenstand statement. I think it's a compassion as well. But would take it one step further and say not only humans possess this, it's found in the animal kingdom as well. I think much like the animals, humans have a compassion to protect and safe their own race, much like a sow bear would give up her life to safe her endangered cubs.

  2. I agree with the statement that people feel it is their duty to help others in need. But on the other hand if the same people are always rescuing those in need they could wonder why they continue to do so.
