Sunday, April 5, 2015

Module 2

News Article

The Ethical Connection
                  Since the early studies into values, ethics, and morals, researchers and philosophers have discussed ways to connect with others about these topics. As a young child, parents are often the individuals that discuss the various topics regarding values and morals, provide them with life lessons, and try their best instill in them the basis of human values. This may not always be an easy task so they must embed the underlying lessons within stories or forms of entertainment. Finding something that is more appealing to the child, will encourage them to be engaged and will make them a better medium for the lessons taught. Rosenstand (2013) states the following:
           We may think that the most powerful moral lessons are learned from events in our childhood, but chances are the most powerful lessons we carry with us are lessons we learn from the stories we have read or that were read to us. (p. 50)

                 The link above will take you to an article about an upcoming movie, Furious 7, that is able to display a message about diversity. France (2015), compares the lack of recognition of ethnically diverse actors and films. France (2015) states, “In contrast, "Furious 7" couldn't be more racially and ethnically inclusive.” Entertainment allows individuals to bring certain issues to the forefront and connect with an audience that may otherwise not be intrigued by the issue.


France, L. R. (2015, April 2). 'Furious 7' focuses on more than one type of race. CNN. Retrieved from

Rosenstand, N. (2013). The moral of the story: An introduction to ethics (7th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

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