Sunday, May 3, 2015

Module 6

News Article

The Ethical Connection

       If you were hiding under a rock somewhere, you might've not known that last night there was a Boxing match between Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao. After twelve rounds of fighting the judges determined that Floyd Mayweather performed at a level to reach a unanimous-decision victory. Depending on a few factors such as who you are rooting for, and your knowledge of the sport, you may have different opinions on who won the fight. According to Brooke (2015), "After the loss, boxing commentator Max Kellerman interviewed Pacquiao, who said he felt he won the fight. When asked why he felt that way, Manny said that Floyd 'didn't do anything'." Obviously Pacquiao's opinion may be slightly biased but what you have to analyze to find the truth is to seperate opinion from facts. The scorecards and evidence of performance is what will justify the judges' decision.

     The concept of opinion-based decisions is an idea that intrigued philosopher Socrates. According to Rosenstand (2013), "We think many things, and if we allow ourselves to examine those opinions, we will usually find that they are based on very flimsy evidence" (p. 407). Rosenstand (2013) states, "It must override any sort of opinion we may have, even though it may hurt the feelings of others; if they see the truth, they, too, will understand, for only ignorance leads to wrongdoing" (p. 407). So regardless of what your opinion is on who won the fight, the evidence supports the decision to appoint Mayweather the vicor.


Brooke, T. (2015, May 3). Max Kellerman Surprised with Manny Pacquiao's Post-Fight Interview. Bleacher Report. Cable News Network. Retrieved from
Rosenstand, N. (2013). The moral of the story: An introduction to ethics (7th ed.). New 
          York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

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