Saturday, May 16, 2015

Module 8

News Article

The Ethical Connection

       The article listed above will take you to an article describing the success story of Jenny Q. Ta. Ta moved to the United States when she was nine years old and didn't speak any English (Kavilanz, 2015). Her drive and determination allowed her to succeed in her studies and she graduated from California State University with a degree in business information systems in just three years (Kavilanz, 2015). According to Kavilanz (2015), "At 21, she got an entry-level job at Lehman Brothers for $10 an hour as a new accounts clerk. "It was one position up from a filing clerk," she said." Ta learned as much as possible and after being told "as a woman it would take me years to advance and become a broker," she decided to depart Lehman Brothers (Kavilanz, 2015).

     Did Ta get discouraged by the idea that her gender would limit her capabilities? The answer is no. The complete opposite happened actually. Instead of getting discouraged, she was motivated to become successful and to prove others wrong. Ta did not believe that her gender was a factor in her capabilities of being successful. According to Rosenstand (2013), "The principle of equality does not imply that everyone is the same but that everyone should be treated as equals" (p. 610). Ta knew her determination would prevail.
     Ta opened up her own firm and became a millionaire within a year (Kavilanz, 2015). She sold that company and opened up another brokerage firm, that within a year after opening she was approached to sell (Kavilanz, 2015). She has since opened up another company that she hopes to be just as successful. Ta is an excellent example of how hard work, drive, and determination will overcome obstacles, shatter stereotypes, and prove that anything is possible.


Kavilanz, P. (2015, May 11). Wall Street newbie to millionaire by 27. CNN Money. Cable News Network. Retrieved from
Rosenstand, N. (2013). The moral of the story: An introduction to ethics (7th ed.). New 
          York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

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